The History of Week of ThanKS

Published on Sep 27, 2024
by Grace Roundtree

At Knowledge Services, our culture is deeply rooted in respect, collaboration, and a strong sense of community. These values have been the bedrock of our success, guiding us through the challenges and triumphs of our journey. One of the most powerful expressions of these values is our annual Day of ThanKS. A tradition that has become an integral part of who we are as an organization. 

The Beginning 

The Day of ThanKS at Knowledge Services began with a simple idea, to create a dedicated time to reflect on and express our collective gratitude for the efforts and contributions of every individual within the company. The idea was born in the mid-2000s, during a period of significant growth and transformation for the company. At that time, our founders recognized that as we expanded our operations and took on new challenges, it was essential to maintain the close-knit, supportive culture that had been a key driver of our success. 

In 2005, the first Day of ThanKS was celebrated, marking the beginning of a tradition that would grow and evolve over the years. The inaugural event was relatively small and informal, with Team Members gathering to share a meal and exchange words of appreciation. The atmosphere was warm and genuine, reflecting the sincere gratitude that our founders and leaders felt for the hard work and dedication of the entire team. The success of that first celebration made it clear that the Day of ThanKS would become an enduring part of our company culture. 


What began as a modest gathering has since become one of the year’s most anticipated events, bringing together Team Members from all levels and departments to celebrate our shared achievements and the values that define us. Over the years, the Day of ThanKS has expanded in both scope and significance, incorporating new traditions and activities that reflect the diverse talents and contributions of our team. 

One of the key aspects of the Day of ThanKS is its focus on inclusivity and recognizing the unique contributions of every individual. From the newest intern to the most seasoned executive, every team member is valued and appreciated for the role they play in our collective success. This inclusive spirit is reflected in the various activities that have become a staple of the celebration, including team-building exercises, workshops, and recognition ceremonies. 

The Day of ThanKS is also a time for reflection and introspection. In addition to celebrating our achievements, we take the opportunity to revisit our core values and reaffirm our commitment to the principles that guide us. This reflection is about looking forward to the future with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. It is a time to set new goals, identify areas for growth, and commit to continuous improvement both as individuals and as a team. 


Community Collaboration 

One of the most meaningful aspects of the Day of ThanKS is the way it brings us closer together as a team. In today’s fast-paced world, it can be easy to lose sight of the personal connections that make our work meaningful. The Day of ThanKS serves as a reminder of the importance of these connections, providing an opportunity to strengthen our bonds and build new ones. 

Over the years, the Day of ThanKS has featured a wide range of activities designed to promote collaboration and teamwork. These activities remind us that we are stronger together. Whether it’s through team-building challenges, group discussions, or collaborative projects, the Day of ThanKS encourages us to work together, share ideas, and support one another in our common goals. 

In addition to the internal activities, the Day of ThanKS often includes opportunities for giving back to the community. Service projects and charitable initiatives have become a key part of the celebration, reflecting our commitment to making a positive impact beyond the walls of our company. These activities not only allow us to give back to those in need but also reinforce the values of empathy and compassion that are central to our culture. 


A Day to Express Gratitude 

At the heart of the Day of ThanKS is the simple yet powerful act of expressing gratitude. Throughout the day, team members are encouraged to share their appreciation for one another in both formal and informal ways. This might take the form of a heartfelt message, a small token of appreciation, or public recognition during one of the day’s events. Whatever the method, the goal is the same, ensure that every individual feels valued and appreciated for their contributions. 

The emphasis on gratitude extends to our leadership as well. On Day of ThanKS, our leaders take the time to personally acknowledge the efforts of their teams, often sharing stories and examples of how individuals have gone above and beyond in their roles.  


The Impact on Our Culture 

The Day of ThanKS has had a profound impact on the culture of Knowledge Services. It has helped to create an environment where gratitude is not just an occasional gesture but a fundamental part of how we operate. This culture of appreciation has tangible benefits, higher levels of engagement, job satisfaction, and overall well-being among our team members. Day of ThanKS has become a key element of our employer brand. This commitment to appreciation and recognition has played a significant role in attracting and retaining top talent, as individuals are drawn to an environment where they know their contributions will be recognized and celebrated. 


Looking Ahead: The Future of the Day of ThanKS 

As we look to the future, we are excited to see how the Day of ThanKS will continue to evolve and grow. While the core principles of gratitude and recognition will always remain at the heart of the celebration, we are constantly exploring new ways to make the event more meaningful and impactful. Whether through the introduction of new activities, the expansion of our community service efforts, or the development of new traditions, we are committed to ensuring that the Day of ThanKS remains a vibrant and integral part of our culture. 

In the years to come, we envision the Day of ThanKS continuing to inspire and uplift our team, serving as a powerful vision of the importance of gratitude in both our personal and professional lives. As we celebrate this year’s Day of ThanKS, we do so with a deep sense of pride in our past achievements and an unwavering commitment to the future.