StateRAMP has provided standardized security for cloud service providers (CSPs) and state, local, and education (SLED) institutions since 2020. For many businesses that work in the public sector, gaining FedRAMP authorization has presented a significant challenge due to the lack of a federal contract, limited budgets, and time constraints.
StateRAMP Ready and Authorized statuses present a new wave of affordability and accessibility, preventing CSPs and SLED institutions from overspending on security controls they do not require. StateRAMP Ready is attained through meeting the minimum mandatory requirements of 80 controls while StateRAMP Authorized is an attained status that meets 319 of the required NIST controls.
Although these statuses may seem like a clear-cut solution, these are not one size fits all. Knowledge Services, serving as the founding StateRAMP PMO, helps organizations easily navigate this process through a hands-on, consultative approach. By understanding the nuances of StateRAMP Ready vs. Authorized, organizations can effectively mitigate risk, make informed decisions to enhance cloud security posture, and gain a competitive edge in security.
StateRAMP Ready
The StateRAMP Ready status is one of the key differences that sets StateRAMP apart from FedRAMP. Comparing StateRAMP Ready vs. Authorized, the Ready status provides verification opportunities for organizations that do not require all the controls associated with StateRAMP Authorized. The Ready status is attained by meeting the minimum mandatory requirements demonstrated by a Readiness Assessment Report.
Depending on the type of information the product stores or transmits, a Ready status may be all an organization needs to meet the outlined government requirements. However, if a small to medium-sized organization may want to achieve Authorized status in the future, they can use the Ready status as a step in their journey. Many factors may result in an organization switching to Authorized instead of Ready. This may include the organization being newly required to obtain authorized status or if a business case has been made to advance to the next verification. However, suppose an organization knows they will eventually need authorized status. In the long run, it may save them money to obtain authorized status initially, rather than using ready status as a steppingstone.
StateRAMP Authorized
The StateRAMP Authorized status indicates all security and system validations, including a 3PAO Security Assessment Report, have been reviewed by the StateRAMP PMO and approved by either the Approvals Committee or a government sponsor. While achieving StateRAMP Authorized status, the most robust verification sounds like the best solution for all businesses, this isn’t always the case. Comparing the associated controls with StateRAMP Ready vs. Authorized, the Authorized status encompasses 319 controls while StateRAMP Ready only encompasses 80 controls. Depending on the impact level of the stored data and security requirements, an organization may not require all 319 controls, hence the StateRAMP Ready verification option.
StateRAMP Provisional is another StateRAMP verified security status. The real difference between StateRAMP Authorized and StateRAMP Provisional is that your product meets all the controls required for an Authorized status but relies on a third-party integration that is not StateRAMP or FedRAMP Authorized.
Which Is Right for Your Business?
The StateRAMP Ready vs. Authorized statuses are not a one-size-fits-all solution. To determine which status will best suit their needs, CSPs need to gauge the appropriate impact level for their product, as well as what is being required by the SLED institutions with which they do business. StateRAMP encourages CSPs to utilize the StateRAMP data classification tool and to leverage the services provided by Knowledge Services, the StateRAMP PMO. For a consultative approach, the PMO provides weekly office hours to clarify any confusion and connects your organization with StateRAMP experts to navigate the complexities of this process. The data classification tool includes various categories, representing different sets of data characteristics and corresponding security requirements ranging from generally accessible information to protected personally identifiable information (PII) or classified data.
The specific industries of these cloud security providers typically include but are not limited to healthcare, education, and public safety. While the impact level of security controls will be different for all organizations, different industries are responsible for different data characteristics. For instance, an industry that needs systems in place to protect names and birthdays may not require the same level of security associated with protecting information like social security and health information.
Tailor Your StateRAMP Verification to Organizational Needs
StateRAMP serves CSPs and SLED organizations by providing accessible standardization of security. The StateRAMP Ready vs. Authorized statuses must be implemented by organizational needs based on the impact of the security controls required, not by which status contains the highest security controls. By leveraging the consultative approach provided by the StateRAMP PMO and utilizing the data classification tool, organizations from all industries can determine which status best suits their organizational needs. Serving as the founding StateRAMP PMO, Knowledge Services has seen firsthand how these verifications have transformed businesses. Connect with our cybersecurity consultant team to learn more about becoming involved with StateRAMP.