Surveys play a vital role in gathering data and insights, yet they often come with the risk of bias. These biases can significantly affect the accuracy and reliability of the collected data, distorting survey results. Understanding the three primary types of survey bias — selection bias, interviewer bias, and response bias — is crucial. Partnering with a company dedicated to reducing survey bias or an academic institution can be instrumental in mitigating the risks associated with biased survey data.
Selection Bias
Selection bias occurs when the process of selecting survey participants for analysis leads to inaccurate or unrepresentative data. Three examples of biases that fall within the selection bias category are sampling, non-response, and survivorship.
- Sampling bias occurs when a particular sample does not reflect the true population for the survey research objectives. This leads to inaccurate collected data.
- Non-response bias is the result of some participants being unresponsive to the survey, due to various reasons. This bias is unavoidable as most surveys will not receive a 100% response rate. However, if the percentage of unresponsive participants is higher than the average responses received, this can lead to missing data and skewing the analysis.
- Survivorship bias occurs when a surveyor exclusively studies a specific sample of the population that passed a certain selection process while disregarding those who did not meet the criteria. This can result in erroneous conclusions as the survey only represents a subset of a population.
To prevent selection bias:
- Maintain an up-to-date participant list that accurately represents your target audience. Using an application like DotStaff, surveyors can rely on an efficient tracking system that updates participant trends.
- Reach out to non-respondents for a follow-up survey; a second round of surveys can provide more accurate information.
- Include a “prefer not to answer” or “other” option in the questions, so participants don’t feel compelled to choose an answer that doesn’t apply to them and encourage participation. When including an “other” option, the survey should prompt participants to provide further details when none of the provided answer choices align with their experiences.
Interviewer Bias
Interviewer bias stems from the actions of the interviewer. Responses may be hindered due to the way a question is phrased or how comfortable the interviewer makes the participants feel.
- Reporting Bias may arise when the research team decides what to publish based on their original hypothesis, regardless of positive or negative outcomes. Excluding research to prove a hypothesis may lead to unethical survey publishing.
- Demand Characteristic Bias takes place when an interview setting may make candidates nervous, leading to inaccurate answers. Something as minimal as a lack of introduction can increase pressure and stress for respondents.
- Nonverbal Bias appears when a surveyor’s body language or mannerisms can impact the participant’s responses. Closed off body language and avoiding eye contact may lead to an unengaging conversation.
To prevent interviewer bias:
- Maintain a neutral and professional demeanor when surveying participants, while being attentive to body language and tone of voice.
- Provide a warm, welcoming, and polite introduction to make participants feel comfortable and valued before answering survey questions. Emphasize empathy in surveyor training to enhance participant comfort in their personal space.
- Conduct user-friendly surveys by effectively communicating to ensure participants feel comfortable and engaged. This can be facilitated by conducting a pre-survey call to confirm details and ensure technology is working properly.
Response Bias
Response bias occurs when survey participants provide answers based on what they think the surveyor wants to hear, rather than their authentic opinions or experiences. Three examples of biases that fall within the response bias category are extreme response, acquiescence, and question order.
- Extreme Response Bias takes place when participants are prompted with scale questions and choose to answer with only extreme values, rather than somewhere in the middle. Extreme bias is more likely to occur when participants fear judgment from the surveyor for choosing a certain response.
- Neutral Response Bias occurs when the respondent is indifferent to the question or the wording is unclear. When participants provide only neutral responses, these responses do not provide surveyors with specific information to contribute to their research.
- Acquiescence Bias (Yes Bias) is a very common type of survey bias that happens when respondents agree with most or all survey questions, when this may not be an accurate representation of their genuine opinion. This stems from the respondents’ willingness to please the surveyor or quickly complete the survey, as it is often easier to agree with what is being asked.
To prevent response bias:
- Avoid emotionally charged topics in your survey, such as political affiliations or religious beliefs.
- Reduce the use of “yes or no” questions, as they may lead to biased responses.
- Ask one question at a time, and stagger question topics to prevent order-effects bias.
- Use language that is free from emotional connotations to avoid extreme response bias.
- Provide participants with a means to provide anonymous feedback.
Take the Necessary Steps to Avoid Survey Bias
Minimizing survey bias is crucial for ensuring the reliability of collected data. By adopting effective strategies or collaborating with specialized organizations focused on reducing survey bias, you can significantly improve the accuracy of your survey findings.
At Knowledge Services, we understand the importance of unbiased data collection in informing critical decisions for our government clients. That’s why we prioritize leveraging our strong partnerships with academic institutions known for their expertise in research methodology and survey design. By leveraging the insights and resources of our academic partners, we ensure that our clients’ surveys are meticulously crafted and executed to minimize biases effectively. This collaborative approach empowers our clients to gather trustworthy data, enabling them to make well-informed decisions that drive positive outcomes for their constituents and communities.
To find out how we can support your survey management needs, contact us today.